cru-ci-ble -
1 : a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact or influence change or development


DISCLAIMER: Some of the dialogue used was taken from the episodes and I am not claiming credit for having written it but used it simply to set up the tone of a scene or show parallels between lives and realities.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is an account of the events that surround the arrival of the aliens on Earth, the crash and subsequent capture of the shape shifters and the pods by the government, with a small mention of some of the events revealed in the episode Summer of '47.

1. What was the story of Grandpa Dupree?
2. What was the cause of the crash?
3. What exactly happened during the government's capture of the shapeshifters?
4. How did the pods get to New York?
5. Who buried the orb?


Who's Who & Name Pronunciations


Shape Shifters Loyal to the Royal Four
Nasedo - Sodan - expert in hand-to-hand and weapons combat and a pilot, special skill - heat and energy blasts
Letras - (le-tras) - Zan's former tutor, expert in philosophy, history and military tactics
Cuerena (soor'-ren-ya) - scientist and Granolith expert, special skills - illusion
Kaldar - expert in hand-to-hand and weapons combat, special skill - empath

Nicholas Crawford - General Calles Nicaron (kal-ees) (ni-ca'-ron) - Khivar's right hand and head general
Congresswoman Vanessa (Crawford) Whitaker - Major Nesta - Head of the Granolith Project
Lieutenant Sacor – skin soldier

Charles Dupree - Grandpa Dupree - human taken by the shape shifters for his DNA - Laurie Dupree's Grandfather
Dr. Roderick Wayne - the Dr. that performed the autopsy on the 'dead' alien and examined the pods
Yvonne White - the nurse who helped with the autopsy on the 'dead' alien - played by Liz in the episode Summer of '47
Colonel James Cassidy - head of the base where the shape shifters and pods were taken - played by the Sheriff in the episode Summer of '47
Captain Sheridan Cavitt - Counter Intelligence Officer - played by Alex in the episode Summer of '47
Agent David Lewis - FBI agent and first head of the Special Unit
Don Harris - Dr. Wayne's assistant
Captain Hal Carver - Air Force Captain who helped the aliens escape from the Air Force Base - played by Michael in the episode Summer of '47


Tageions (tauj'-ee-ons) - people inhabiting the north lands
King Zantor Tageonant (tauj'-o-nant) - (Zan) - Max - the rightful King of Antar
Queen Avalynd Telnada Tageonant - (Ava) - Zan's young bride
Royal Princess Vilondra Tageonant - Isabel
Queen Nedra Tageonant (ne'-dra) - Zan & Vilondra's mother

Tageonon (tauj'-o-non) - the capitol city of Antar, where the King's palace is located
Sodan (so-dan) - Nasedo - Zan's most trusted protector
Jensto (jens-toe) - a scientist in Zan's employ
The Sephtafus (named for the Antarian mythical goddess of good fortune) - the ship sent to Earth with the pods and the shape shifters

General Alarath Varros (Rath) - Michael - Zan's best friend and second in command
Kaldar - Rath's most trusted protector
Duke Colrath Varros - Rath's father and a Senator
Sir Aladar Varros - Colrath Varros' uncle and Rath's great uncle - a leading scientist who headed the project to destroy the red giant

Harcions (Har-see-ons) - people inhabiting the south lands
Khivar Roistar (roys'-tar) - the man who usurped Zan's throne
General Calles Nicaron (kal-ees) (ni-ca'-ron) - Nicholas - Khivar's right hand and head general
Major Nesta - Congresswoman Vanessa (Crawford) Whitaker
Lieutenant Sacor – skin soldier
Roistar (roys'-tar) - formerly Tageonon, Khivar changed the name when he assumed the throne
The Leptes (the Antarian word for Vengeance) - the ship Khivar sent to Earth with Nicholas and the skins

Shape Shifters sent to Earth with the Pods
Sodan - Nasedo - expert in hand-to-hand and weapons combat and a pilot - special ability energy blasts
Letras - (le-tras) - Zan's former tutor, expert in philosophy, history and military tactics
Cuerena (soor'-ren-ya) - scientist and Granolith expert - special ability illusion - assigned the dupes protector
Kaldar - expert in hand-to-hand and weapons combat - special ability empath

Part 1 - Part 2
Book 1 Timeline

Alpha & Omega

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