TITLE: 10 Things I Love about Max
AUTHOR: RoswellOracle
REPOSTING: Please ask permission before reposting. I like to know where my story is going to live.
FEEDBACK: Feel free to send e-mail feedback to the contact link. Corrections are appreciated and all questions will be answered as quickly as possible.
DISCLAIMER: Roswell, the characters and the story, are owned by Melinda Metz, Jason Katims and Fox Studios (although the way they have abused them I don't think they deserve them) and are used here purely for entertainment purposes.
Any additional characters or situations not mentioned in the show are the creation of my dementia.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was written based on a challenge during Dreamer month at The Eraser Room.
"This game is a slight twist on the regular 101 reasons why I love M/L. If you ever seen the movie Ten Things I Hate About You then you might have an idea as to where I'm going with this.
Instead of everyone posting one thing you love about max/liz, everyone has to post 10 things they love about either max or liz while pretending to be either Max or Liz. :hehe Make sense? I hope so."
- posted by Vegas312
SUMMARY: A poem Liz wrote to Max
STATUS: Complete - Sept/2006
2006 - © RoswellOracle & RoswellOracle.com
10 Things I love about Max
-by Liz
I love the way you look at me,
and how you make me feel
I love the way you kiss me,
it's so explosive and so real
I love how you listen to me,
and make me feel so sane
I love that you're my best friend,
in sunshine and in rain
I love the way you protect me,
and always hold my hand
I love that you can show your true feelings,
and always be a man
I love that you take my breath away,
and make my stomach rumble
I love that you love me just as much,
and together we fall and tumble
I love the way you smile,
and the way it lights your eyes
I love everything about about you,
and I'll always be at your side.