Roswell Music & Soundtrack

Here is all the info you could want about the Music of Roswell!!!

  • Music List by Season
  • Alphabetical Music List
  • Roswell Promo Music
  • Roswell Radio Station
  • Roswell DVD Music
  • Roswell Main Theme
  • Roswell Official Soundtrack
  • Roswell Original Music

At one time there was a site called Roswell MP3s.
It had a master list of most of the music from all the episodes as well as music downloads.
Unfortunately it has been closed for a while.

The base information on these pages was taken directly from Roswell MP3s. I don't know who owned the site or put the list together, but it was by their hard work that we have it. And of course it has been added to over the years by the dedicated fans of the Roswell Music threads at various boards.
Thanks guys!

Some of the song are still unidentified even after extensive searches by many people. This is because some of the songs were demos or had a very limited release and never made it into the mainstream. Also there was a ton of original music written for the Roswell score. Sometimes it is hard to tell if a song was released by a group or if it was written for Roswell.

I've hardly been able to find any info about the original music written for Roswell.
***If anyone has further info about the songs or the score, please let me know.***


I would love to provide all the music from the series so everyone could partake and enjoy.
But I don't have the space to host the downloads
(not to mention I don't want the music companies and the government after me)
- so I am only providing lists of the music.

***The DVD songs are different than the TV songs***
I've been getting a lot of questions about Roswell songs recently, I am guessing it is because there are so many newer fans who never saw the show on TV. So I wanted to put an explanation here of why the songs might not be what you are expecting.

When the Roswell DVDs were released, the studio felt that using the original songs from the series would make the DVDs too expensive. So they made the decision to replace a lot of the songs with ones from mostly unknown bands.

Below is a list of songs from when the show aired on TV as well as a list of songs on the DVDs

TV Music by Episode

Season 1 - Season 2 - Season 3

Alphabetical list by Artist


Roswell Promo Music DVD Music by Episode



Roswell Main Theme
Here with Me by Dido
Info & Versions
Maria's Songs
Clips of songs Maria sang
Seasons 1 & 2



Original Music
Roswell Composer
Joe Williams


Official Soundtrack

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